Exploring Coaching Models
Back To DashboardWelcome to Module 7 of Coach School – Exploring Coaching Models
Coaching models are the key to powerful coaching sessions. In this module we explore a number of individual and group coaching models that you can use with your clients, and begin to think about group coaching programs.
There are a wide range of coaching models to choose from, and by the end of this module you will have explored a number of them, and even begun to think about creating your own.
1 | Watch the video training OR listen to the audio training and download the PDF | |
2 | Arrange 3 coaching sessions with a client who is not a personal friend or family member | |
3 | Summarise session 1 | |
4 | Summarise session 2 | |
5 | Summarise session 3 | |
6 | Complete the Goal Mapping Exercise | |
7 | Complete the GROW model exercise | |
8 | Complete the ACHIEVE Model Case Scenario exercise | |
9 | Create your own Unique Coaching Model |
Module Content
Click here for the download page then click the download arrow to download to your computer
Coaching Demos
Co Active Coaching Demo
GROW Model Demo
Reflective Exercises
Using the strategies and techniques that you have acquired from each of the modules, and retaining a large focus on coaching models, demonstrate your knowledge and the ability to use a coaching model through a series of coaching sessions with a client (who is not a personal friend or family member).
You will need to coach them for a minimum of 3 sessions not less than 40 minutes per coaching session. For optimum learning, record each coaching session and summarize each one.
Each summary should include:
- Life area being discussed with the client
- Strategies used by you the coach
- Action plan to be implemented by the client
- Reflection on your professional process – Including things you did well and things you could have done better.
- Overall outcomes reached by the client at the end of the 3 sessions- what progress have they made? How do you know?
Session 1 Summary
Session 2 Summary
Session 3 Summary
Goal Mapping
Think about a goal you would like to achieve within the next 3 months. Discuss it below.
What current map are you using to get there? What questions have you asked yourself ?
What are possible obstacles that may arise which could prevent you from working toward this goal?
What will keep you motivated toward your goal when times are tough?
Co-active Coaching – Curiosity
Give yourself an excursion to a coffee shop being curious about everyone in the place. Without actually talking to anyone at first, let your curiosity wander and pose the questions to yourself;
- I wonder where they may be out of balance in their lives?
- What makes them laugh?
- Where have they constructed self-imposed limits?
- What do they like about the day? What are their life dreams?
- What empowers them?
- What do they like about the people that they are sitting with? At the end of the half hour, find one person you can spend a little more time with and actually ask him or her the curious questions.
Answer the questions below:
Where may they be out of balance?
What do they value?
What are they missing in their lives?
What makes them laugh?
Where have they constructed self imposed limits?
What do they like about the day?
What are their life dreams?
What empowers them?
What do they like about the people they are sitting with?
Discuss what happened and how you felt during this process
Think about something that you wish to achieve in your life. Use the table to apply the grow model to your situation. Write down the process of your goal using this model:
G oal
(What is the desired outcome or vision?)
R eality
(Right now, what is happening in your life?)
O ptions
(What are the options for you to help move forward?)
W ay forward
(What actions can you take now to move forward?)
.Have a go at using the GROW coaching model of questions with someone else; with their permission, list their responses below.
G oal
(What is the desired outcome or vision?)
R eality
(Right now, what is happening in the client’s life?)
O ptions
(What are the options for the client to help move forward?)
W ay forward
(What actions can the client take now to move forward?)
Explain how you found using this process with both yourself and others, why?
How effective was the GROW model in providing a basic structure for your coaching conversation? Provide reasons for your answer.
What personal goals could you set yourself to work more effectively with the GROW model in coaching?
ACHIEVE Model Practical Case Scenario
Kate is in her late twenties and at present is at home with two pre-school daughters. She previously was a secondary school teacher but gave that up when she and her husband had their first child. Her long-term plan is to return to teaching when the children are at school.
Kate is a loving and devoted mother but is finding being at home with young children increasingly demoralizing. She has a number of friends in the community who also have young children and several friends from teaching and she tries as much as she can to mix with them. However, her confidence in herself other than as a mother has been deteriorating and she struggles to maintain her contacts outside the home.
Kate is married to Malcolm who is thirty and operates his own electronics business. They have been married now for 8 years. Malcolm has worked hard over the years to establish and develop the business and at present is doing well enough, but like most people he is trying to cope with the difficult economic times. This has led to quite a bit of worry about the future.
Malcolm works very hard and long hours, his work absorbs most of his attention. He is a caring person but isn’t very expressive and is becoming quite distant. Over recent times he has shown significant signs of stress. He has begun drinking more than is desirable and he and Kate have argued and fought about this often.
Kate is becoming quite desolate and unsure of what to do. She is becoming increasingly unhappy and desperate. She has stored away the knowledge from a conversation she had overheard involving her teacher friends that there was a good life coach in town and therefore has sought your help to find purpose, meaning and herself again in life.
Using the ACHIEVE model in your module discuss the process you would facilitate with Kate.
Assess Current Situation
Creative brainstorming of alternatives
Hone Goals
Initiate Options
Evaluate Options
Valid action programme design
Encourage Momentum
TLS Model
Imagine you are working with a group of troubled teenagers; they are aged between 16 years and 20 years, both female and male. Most of the teenagers have come off the streets and/or from violent families.
Choose one skill from the life skills model and draw up a coaching plan illustrating how you are going to help the group with that particular skill in 1-3 sessions.
Life Skills Coaching Model
Choose one common life skill and ask a small group of friends or family members who are having trouble accomplishing something if you can help them with this life skill.
Have a 30-minute coaching session with them using the Life Skills Coaching Model and explain the following:
What life skill did you discuss and what impact did this have on the members of your group?
Discuss what techniques you employed in this session:
Discuss how comfortable you felt in doing this:
Explain what discoveries you both made from this coaching session:
Discuss what you felt you did well in this coaching session:
Discuss what you may do differently next time:
Your Unique Coaching Model
Please take the time now to deepen your learning by creating your own coaching model. This is a model that is unique to your coaching style and the types of clients that you will predominantly be coaching. You may wish to draw, or just write it, however please give an example of why you have chosen to create the model the way you have, what each individual aspect of it represents and how it will be used with your clients.