Module One - Becoming Fearless

If you are going to step out into your genius in a bigger way than you have before, we need to lay a solid foundation for you to succeed. This is where we start.

In this step we will begin to look at the fears and obstacles that you have, however unintentionally, that are holding you back from doing what you need to in order to make a bigger difference.

This step can be confronting, and the more you are willing to explore where you are holding yourself back, and getting in your own way, the greater the results you will see from this work.

Check off the steps as you progress through the module

Download the Becoming Fearless Worksheet
Listen to the Becoming Fearless Audio Training
Identify fears and limiting beliefs
Listen to Stepping Stones audio training
Design your own Stepping Stones
Are you stuck with any of the concepts in this module? Ask a question and Lorraine will respond. The best way to make the most of this feature is to share the overarching goal that you are working towards with the course as well as the the challenge that you are facing. (Please be aware that Lorraine cannot see the answers that you have already stored in your module page - they are private to you.)
Click here to ask your question

Becoming Fearless

What's your Superhero name? Write it here
Click here to enter your note
What is your unconscious mind keeping you safe from?
Click here to enter your note
What do you need to say to your unconscious mind to let this emotion go?
Click here to enter your note

Stepping Stones

What are your stepping stones?
Click here to enter your note

Need More Help?

If you are on the “I’ve Got This” plan and need more input from Lorraine, you can book a one-off session here.

Next Module: Your Big Why

Let's Go!