Module 2 - Your Big Why

Your purpose or mission is what will keep you grounded on your entrepreneurial journey, and will be your motivation to take the next step you need to take.

There are 4 parts to this chapter:

1. Uncovering Your Core ValuesWatch the Rocket Ship video and complete the exercises to discover what is most important to you, right now. A Workbook is provided for you to download and print, or you can use paper and post-it notes instead.

2. Finding Your Authentic Self – Listen to this guided visualisation once you have uncovered your core priority values

3. The Genius In You – Complete this worksheet to find hidden gold in your life experiences and skills

4. You’ve Got This – It can be easy to believe in others, but far harder to believe in ourselves. This audio and worksheet exercise will help you to back yourself as much as you back others.


Download the Rocket Ship Workbook
Watch the Rocket Ship Video Training
Prioritise your Core Values
Listen to the Finding Your Authentic Self Guided Visualisation
Record your thoughts and ideas after the guided meditation
Complete the Genius In You Worksheet
Download the You've Got This Worksheet
Listen to the You've Got This Audio Training
Are you stuck with any of the concepts in this module? Ask a question and Lorraine will respond. The best way to make the most of this feature is to share the overarching goal that you are working towards with the course as well as the the challenge that you are facing. (Please be aware that Lorraine cannot see the answers that you have already stored in your module page - they are private to you.)
Click here to ask your question

Rocket Ship

Make a note of your core values here
Click here to enter your note

Finding Your Authentic Self

Did you have any insights or ideas during the visualisation? Note them here
Click here to enter your note

The Genius In You

What are some of your more surprising genius traits? Note them here
Click here to enter your note

You've Got This!

Need More Help?

If you are on the “I’ve Got This” plan and need more input from Lorraine, you can book a one-off session here.

Next Module: Fat Rabbits & Fireworks

Let's Go!