Module One - Preparation


Set the Scene:

If Session One is your client’s first experience of coaching then take some time at the beginning of the session to settle them in. It is vital that your coaching conversations whether in person, or online/phone are taking place in a safe space. That means building strong rapport. Once again, if you need help with specific skills on how to build rapport in coaching, then please refer to the Coaching Skills Diploma program.


This might look like asking them how they got to the session, or how they found the onboarding process so far, or if they have any questions before you begin.


The body of the session is to get your client to walk you through their responses in the client pack.

Some clients will share a lot in their client pack, and others will share very little. There is no right or wrong.

You will have had time to review the client pack before the session and will have some ideas of areas you would like them to expand on, or will have seen some areas for concern potentially.

This is your opportunity to help your client feel hopeful about the future and the coaching they will be working on with you.


For example, if your client reports that they would like to build up their confidence as part of the coaching goals, then spend a bit more time on asking them about previous achievements etc


The purpose of this session is:

  1. To get the client comfortable talking about themselves. (For many, this will be the first time that they have had so much focused attention on themselves, and it helps them to work from the document, just as much as it helps you as a new coach.)
  2. To allow you to find out more about the client and their life story.
  3. To help you get comfortable asking questions and digging deeper. (This is achieved by simply asking the client to tell you more about their milestones.)
  4. Begin to identify potential blocks, challenges and motivators through the client’s descriptions of their goals and past experiences.


Masterful Coach Tips:

– allow more time for this session as it can sometimes run on

– it’s important to recognise your client for sharing their stories with you so make sure to acknowledge them

– Prepare your client for the next session by asking them to come prepared with something to write with as you will be running an exercise for them to uncover their values



Sessions 1 & 2 are slightly different from a standard coaching session and have a bit more structure to them, so they do not have the traditional goal-based tasks that will be a feature of ongoing coaching sessions. However, it is important to encourage your client to engage in the coaching process with an activity.

I like to give my clients a journalling exercise after session one. This is usually in response to something that they have shared in the session, however in the beginning you can use something from the list below:


  1. If I could talk to my teenage self, I would say…
  2. What’s surprised you the most about your life or life in general?
  3. I feel most energized when…
  4. What are 3 versions of success to you?…
  5. Make a list of everything you’d like to say no to.
  6. Make a list of everything you’d like to say yes to.
What did you get from this module? What can you take into your coaching practice now?
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Lorraine Hamilton

Lorraine Hamilton

Coach, Coach Trainer & Mentor

Lorraine Hamilton’s clients call her their secret weapon. She is dedicated to helping others make a living from making a difference through her coaching, mentoring and certification programs.

Coaching Skills Diploma

You know that coaching has the power to bust through your clients’ blocks, but you don’t want that to be your main gig, right?So where do you go to get the coaching skills that are going to make a difference to you and your business, without losing focus on your core offering?..  More…

Certified Professional Coach

Coach School is an ICF Accredited Coach Certification Program designed to be more boutique than bootcamp. With an unprecedented amount of 1:1 support and guidance, Coach School is a quality training for those who want to say, “I’m a coach” and mean it… More…

Side-by-Side Coaching

You know that you are capable of so much more, if you could get out of your own way. Bust through blocks to success with Lorraine’s 1:1 coaching…  More…

In the next module you will learn how to uncover your client’s most powerful motivators – their Core Values.

Module 2 - Values

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